Croatia at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022
17/10/2022Croatia will present its literary and publishing scene at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 (19.-23.10.2022.), after two years of missing, with a selection of Croatian novelists, poets, non-fiction authors, and illustrators. This participation, which includes 24 publishers and more than 160 titles, has been organized by the Publishers and Booksellers Association within the Croatian Chamber of Economy, while The Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia has leased the national stand, and publishers themselves finance their programs.
The joint Croatian national stand, long 38 m2 will be in Hall 4.0, stand F40. The most important books of Croatian publishers in the past years, as well as ten fiction and four non-fiction titles, will be presented there. The selection of these 14 titles has been done by the Book and Publishing Council of the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, while the Croatian Writers' Association and the Croatian Writers Society proposed titles to be included.
Selected fiction:
- Marija Andrijašević: A Land Without Sunsets
- Zoran Ferić: The Travelling Theatre
- Nada Gašić: Water, Spider’s Web
- Marko Gregur: Vošicki
- Ena Katarina Haler: Within Reach
- Damir Karakaš: Turning Point
- Jurica Pavičić: Red Water
- Želimir Periš: Boneleg Bride
- Ivica Prtenjača: Son, Let’s go Home
- Olja Savičević Ivančević: Summers with Maria
and selected non-fiction:
- Boris Perić, Tomislav Pletenac: You Can’t Do It
- Davor Rostuhar: Love Around the World
- Hrvoje Tkalčić: Earthquakes: Giants that Sometimes Wake Up
- Deniver Vukelić: Magic in the Croatian Historical Space.
A selection of 15 illustrators, made for the Croatian participation at the Book Fair in Montpellier which unfortunately didn’t take place, has also been included now for the Frankfurt Book Fair: Vanda Čizmek, Ivana Glušević, Klasja Habjan, Vedran Klemens, Agata Lučić, Andreja Peterlik Huseinović, Ivana Pipal, Klara Rusan, Ivan Stanišić, Stipan Tadić, Hana Tintor, Vendi Vernić, Hana Vrca and Dominik Vuković.
Foreign publishers, editors and agents will be able to see the results of the support program for translations of Croatian authors into foreign languages in a selection of books published in 2021 and 2022 at the Croatian stand. In addition, at the stand, Croatian publishers will organize promotions of several books by Luka Bekavac, Kašmir Huseinović, Dalibor Marković, Andrea Petrlik, Miro Radalj, Igor Štiks and others.
>>> PROGRAM at the Croatian national stand - click here!
>>> Croatian Books, Writters and Illustrators - Catalogue - click here!